They are a textured paint that can be used as an acoustic sound absorber on walls and ceilings. Although it is typically applied as a decorative finish on walls, it is ideal for obscuring building defects over a prolonged period of time.


  • A high degree of elasticity, so it won’t chip or crack
  • Excellent adhesion capabilities to all surfaces
  • Colour fastness: won’t fade
  • Natural pigments that won’t fade with time
  • Natural Fungi retardant
  • Heat and flame resistant to 196° F
  • No hardening or deterioration with age.
  • An aggressive scrubbing endurance; paint is hardy and extremely durable
  • Non-toxic: great for the families, the applicators and the environment
  • Odourless on application: people can move in and out of the painting environment with no upset due to toxic smell.
  • Pets are safe
  • Immediate occupancy of painted premises due to odourlessness.

Anecdotal evidence includes:

  • A14-year-old sample of dried paint remains pliable and elastic
  • A church painted white 30years ago (in South Africa)still appears white.(i.e. no yellowing with age)
  • Colour fastness for more than 70,000 hours
  • Building painted with Ultra-Paint between 5° and 7° cooler.

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