Terms and Conditions

1. The above Quotation with (relevant reference) is the price for supply and installation of SW Civils materials only. Dimensions quoted are as per the client's premises, stipulated per site, and are stipulated at the top of page 1 of the quotation, (xxx square metres) . Any additional stock or items required, will be discussed with the client and billed to the client directly.

2. Please note that , SW Civils are only responsible for the application of material provided by us, and will not take any responsibility or liability for any materials or products that are supplied and / or applied by third party contractors and / or suppliers. and we will not be liable for any damages or defects arising from the application of any alternate products by a third party contractor and / or pedestrian or any other damages or defects to their material application, once applied, unless same is directly attributable to the product installed and applied by , SW Civils.

3. The above quotation includes a nominal wastage on the overlap material usage.

4. Our materials are supplied in their standard packaging sizes ex works Johannesburg.

5. Should an unforeseeable situation or force majeure arise or should we be prevented from being able to commence and / or proceed with their supplier obligations due to such unforeseeable situation or force majeure, the client will be liable for any related standing fees that may arise as a result thereof. These fees will be discussed with the client based on charges accumulated and related to daily project running fees. In the event that such a circumstance occurs or exists at the premises and renders the project halted indefinitely, any costs associated with demobilisation and remobilisation of site, will be charged to the client additionally and the client is obliged to pay same. In the event that the aforementioned situation/s result in us missing the client's deadline, no penalties or liabilities will be levied against us and we shall not be liable for any consequential damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from such missed deadline.

6. We are unable to work in the rain, and relevant drying times will apply where necessary. No penalties or charges will be administered to either party as a result of unforeseeable weather conditions. Penalties and liabilities will not be administered to either company, in the event of weather conditions resulting in delays to project deadlines.

7. In so far as it is possible, and we will establish the annual average rainfall patterns, prior to the start date of project. If the weather forecast is not favorable toward the client or supplier, project start delays may be considered and implemented.

8. In so far as possible, and we will endeavor to resolve any situations that may cause delays or create additional issues to the site, in the most amicable way possible, before imposing any penalties or demobilization etc.

9. Prices include VAT and are valid for a period of 30 days from the quotation date.

10. Orders to be confirmed by e-mail, (tamsin@swcivils.co.za) .

11. Payment terms stipulated prior to start of project.

12. Any additional project related items, such as our material, building material etc, that may be required to complete the project effectively, will be discussed with the client, and then billed for accordingly. The client will be notified immediately of any problems arising, and the need for any additional items. Quotations are based on visibility only, accordingly, any unforeseen structural or other related problems which could not have been effectively costed for at the time of assessment, will need to be added to the aforesaid quote and costs to ensure repairs are completed effectively. The client will be liable for any and all costs related to unforeseen structural issues and the like such as structural and civil engineer reports or assessments. The client will be notified of such and billed accordingly.

13. Material required is based on visibility only, if there are any additional material requirements which arise due to unforeseen structural issues and other related problems, this will be for the cost of the client. The client will be notified of such and billed accordingly.

14. The scope of work is defined and agreed to by the client, prior to the commencement of the project. Any deviations to the scope of work by the client during the project, which results in additional work and costs being incurred, will be for the client’s account and we shall not be liable for such costs and / or expenses.

15. We take no responsibility whatsoever for any structural or architectural defects within the building, and should these defects or damages affect work progress or create delays in any way, they will be charged for accordingly in terms of clause 5 above, with the client being notified thereof. Photographic records of the area at the commencement of project will be taken and made available to client on the completion of project.

16. We are only responsible for the relevant service offering and scope of work provided in terms of its quote and agreed to by the client. Any additional services relating to repairs for structural or architectural defects within the building, will be for the cost and responsibility of the client alone. Photographic records of the area at the commencement of project will be taken and made available to client on the completion of project.

17. Further to the above, we shall not be liable for any damages of any nature whatsoever, arising from the acts and / or conduct of any third parties during the completion of the scope of work.

18. In order for us to provide an essential service offering, any layer of existing waterproofing must be removed where necessary in order to reveal the substrate level. The client acknowledges and agrees to this. We will not be liable for any damages resulting from the removal of any existing waterproofing. Further to this, neither company will be liable for any damages caused to the structure and / or building below during such removal and / or resulting from the area not being waterproofed for a period of time. and we will take all reasonable steps to prevent any such damages from occurring.

19. We will not be responsible for any guarantees or warranties of whatsoever nature from other suppliers and / or third parties becoming null and void as a result of the removal of the existing waterproofing material.

20. We will provide a new guarantee period on completion of the waterproofing application, which will replace any previous warranties and / or guarantees. All guarantees and / or warranties provided are only in relation to products supplied and installed by us.

21. We cannot guarantee that any uncovered areas will not leak and as such, will not be held liable for any damages whatsoever that arise from any cause beyond our control, due to an area not being covered with waterproofing material. and we will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep any open areas covered, and to apply material onto the area within as quick a turnaround time as possible.

22. SW Civils is not liable for any repairs and reinstatement of any areas below the roof, slab or otherwise indicated, during the course of waterproofing, nor after the completion of waterproofing. This will be for the client’s account.

23. Site specific maintenance schedules will apply, and should no maintenance occur after application is completed, guarantees may become void. The client will be notified of such. and we will insist upon these repairs and maintenance where they are necessary, in order for the guarantee to remain in place for the stipulated time frame.

24. E & OE